How To Invert Color Of Photos On Your iPhone [Using The Classic]

Jeffrey Baiden
By Jeffrey Baiden - Technical Writer
3 Min Read

Different iPhone users may prefer to invert the color of images on their iPhones for different reasons.

If you have ever considered inverting the colors of images on your iPhone, then you may be looking for the right procedure to invert these photos.

In this article, you are going to learn how to invert the color of a picture on your iPhone. You are also going to learn how to use both smart invert and classic inverts on your iPhone.

How To Invert Color Of A Picture On Your iPhone Using Classic Invert

There is no straightforward way to invert your images on your iPhone. However, you can use the classic invert in your phone settings to give that effect on your pictures.

You can turn on classic invert in your iPhone’s Settings to invert the color of your photos. Follow the guide below to turn on the Classic invert.

Step 1: Open Settings

Navigate to Settings on your device and tap “Accessibility”.

Tap on Accessibility

Step 2: Tap on Display & Text Size

On the next page, tap “Display & Text Size”. A menu appears containing the option to toggle Classic invert on or off.

Tap Display & Text Size

Step 3: Toggle on Classic Invert

By default, Classic invert is turned off. Toggle on Classic invert to invert color.

Tap Classic invert

Note that Classic invert does not only affect the images. Classic invert also affects your display and everything else you see on the screen.

Now you can open photos and find that the color of your images has been inverted. 

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Why Invert The Colors Of your Pictures

For accessibility purposes

Some users who face visual impairment or color blindness may prefer to invert the colors of images to be able to see them clearly or maximize their viewing experience.

 For artistic purposes

It may also have a form of artistic appeal to some users who would like to experiment with different colors in their images. It is a great way to style or edit your images.


If you have ever wanted to invert the color of an image on your iPhone, know that there is no particular way towards it.

However, you can turn on classic invert in your iPhone settings in order to invert colors.

FAQs on How To Invert Color Of A Picture On Your iPhone

Turn on Classic Invert in Settings to invert the color of a picture on iPhone.

Further Reading

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By Jeffrey Baiden Technical Writer
Jeffrey Baiden is a content writer with over 2 years of experience writing content about the web. He's obsessed with tech and one-day dreams of becoming a renowned writer. Jeffrey has owned, used, and explored the depths of Android and iOS devices. Now, he's currently an Android and iOS writer at Techvocast, where he talks about all the guides and apps.
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